Providing enhanced resources and opportunities to the Central Dauphin School District and community

Donations to the Panther Ram Foundation support:
Teaching Grants for Innovative Classroom Programs
NutriPacks Food Assistance
Scholarships to Graduating Seniors
Technological Upgrades in the Classrooms
Educational and Engaging After School Programs
School Plays and Musicals
Annual Recognition and Celebration of Distinguished Alumni, Teachers, and Students

Fundraising efforts include:
Annual Appeal
Miniature Golf Tournament
Business and Individual Sponsorships
Lottery Ticket Sales
Pennsylvania Educational Income Tax Credit (EITC) Program where eligible businesses receive tax credits to be applied against tax liability for any contributions made to the Panther Ram Foundation

How can I help?
Become involved in the MiniGolf Tournament
Create a new fundraiser to support Panther Ram’s mission
Volunteer for NutriPacks
Consider joining the Panther Ram Foundation Board
Donate Food
Make a tax-deductible contribution to our Annual Appeal
Spread the word about the good work we do to support Central Dauphin students on social media
Organize a Food Drive to benefit CD NutriPacks families.